Kuru no Baltijas valstīm ChatGPT uzskata par piemērotāku uzņēmējdarbībai MI jomā?

Aivis Brutans
7 min read1 day ago


ChatGPT 4o ģenerēts attēls

Nesen OpenAI prezentēja savus jaunos spriešanas (reasoning) modeļus —
o1-preview un o1-mini — un pirmajā demonstrācijā tika testēta o1-preview modeļa spējas stratēģijas izveidē. Uzvednē (prompt) tika prasīts izveidot paplašināšanās plānu mākslīgā intelekta (MI) konsultāciju uzņēmumam. Oriģinālajā uzvednē Parīze minēta kā favorītvieta nākamā ofisa izveidē un ChatGPT tika dots izvērtēt šīs vietas stiprās un vājās puses, kā arī piedāvāt alteratīvas.

Man radās ideja ChatGPT iedot līdzīgu uzvedni un kā favorītvietu minēt Baltijas valstis — uzdevu MI rīkam izvērtēt kura no trim Baltijas valstīm būtu visatbilstošākā jauna ofisa izveidē un vai ir citas alternatīvas. Kāpēc šāds jautājums? Ziņkārības dēļ. Vēlējos saprast kuru no trim Baltijas valstīm ChatGPT uzskata par attīstītāko MI jomā.

Mana uzvedne bija sekojoša (treknrakstā mainītā daļa, salīdzinot ar oriģinālo demonstrācijas video):

I work at a large consulting company focused on AI business transformation. I lead our international efforts for client services. We are considering opening up a new European office to support the local market. The Baltics are the current favorite. We already have offices in Copenhagen and London.

Help me come up with a plan for this expansion. I need help to determine (a) if we should go to the Baltics next and which of these 3 countries vs other cities and (b) what our strategy should be for entering the market, including detailed information of potential customers that we should target and specific ways to build our brand’s cachet as a thought leader. Add other areas I might’ve missed to make this proposal.

Dažu sekunžu laikā ChatGPT o1-preview izveidoja uzdevuma darbības plānu:

Evaluating expansion options.

Formulating the expansion plan

I’m brainstorming a strategy for market entry into Europe, focusing on the Baltics versus other cities, and detailing steps to build the brand’s reputation as a thought leader.

Evaluating expansion options painstakingly, I’m considering the Baltics and other cities, focusing on market potential, customer insights, and strategic branding for seamless integration.

Weighing options

I’m evaluating potential European markets, comparing the benefits of expanding to the Baltics versus other cities. The Baltics, especially Estonia, highlight their expanding tech ecosystem as a major plus.

Exploring Estonian advantages

Estonia boasts digital innovation, cost advantages, and a skilled workforce, but its small domestic market and economy might restrict growth. Berlin or Amsterdam might offer larger markets.

Evaluating alternatives

Berlin, Amsterdam, and Paris emerge as top contenders, providing expansive markets and AI prowess, surpassing Estonia’s smaller Baltic states.

Weighing the options

I’m considering Estonia for its top-notch digital infrastructure and tech innovation scene, while Latvia and Lithuania are also on the radar, albeit being less prominent.

Formulating market strategy

I’m piecing together a market entry plan, focusing on in-depth research, local partnerships, and regulatory compliance. Targeting potential customers like government agencies, financial services, manufacturing, healthcare, and startups.

Establishing thought leadership

Taking steps to solidify thought leadership in AI:
Hosting AI-centric events.
Publishing trend insights.
Partnering with academia for research.
Media contributions.
Sponsoring innovation competitions.

Laying out the strategy

I’m mapping out a marketing plan, embracing cultural nuances, tackling legal and tax issues, and setting a clear long-term vision. Risk management is also crucial.

Un galarezultātā iedeva arī pašu paplašināšanās plānu, kurā izvērtēja piemērotāko Baltijas valsti:

Expansion Plan for European Market

To develop a comprehensive plan for your company’s European expansion, we’ll address the following key areas:

- Assessment of the Baltics vs. Other Cities
- Selection Among the Baltic Countries
- Market Entry Strategy
- Potential Customers and Target Sectors
- Building Brand Cachet as a Thought Leader
- Additional Considerations

1. Assessment of the Baltics vs. Other Cities

Pros of Expanding to the Baltics:

Thriving Tech Ecosystem: Especially in Estonia, the Baltics have a burgeoning tech scene with a high concentration of startups and innovation hubs.
Digital Infrastructure: Estonia is renowned for its advanced e-government services and digital society.
Skilled Workforce: High levels of education and English proficiency make talent acquisition smoother.
Cost Efficiency: Lower operational costs compared to Western European countries.
Strategic Location: Proximity to both Western and Eastern European markets.

Cons of Expanding to the Baltics:

Market Size: Smaller domestic markets may limit immediate business opportunities.
Economic Scale: Lower GDPs compared to larger European nations could affect the scale of potential projects.

Alternative Cities to Consider:

Berlin, Germany: A major tech hub with a large market, diverse industries, and strong investment in AI.
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Known for innovation, excellent connectivity, and a business-friendly environment.
Paris, France: A significant market with growing AI initiatives and home to many multinational corporations.
Zurich, Switzerland: A financial center with a strong emphasis on technology and innovation.


If your primary goal is to tap into innovative tech ecosystems while maintaining cost efficiency, Estonia (Tallinn) emerges as a strong candidate. However, for access to larger markets and broader industry sectors, cities like Berlin or Amsterdam might be more advantageous.

2. Selection Among the Baltic Countries

Estonia (Tallinn):

Leading digital nation with initiatives like e-Residency.
High startup density and a supportive environment for tech companies.
Government incentives for foreign investment in technology sectors.

Collaborations with e-government projects.
Access to a network of innovative startups and tech talent.

Latvia (Riga):

Growing IT and tech sectors.
Strategic location with good logistics and infrastructure.

Potential in finance and logistics sectors for AI transformation.

Lithuania (Vilnius):

Rapidly developing fintech industry.
Government support for innovation and startups.

Collaborations in fintech and manufacturing sectors.


Estonia stands out due to its advanced digital infrastructure and international reputation in technology and innovation. Establishing an office in Tallinn would provide the most significant strategic advantages.

3. Market Entry Strategy

A. Establish Local Presence:

Legal Setup: Consult with local legal experts to establish the appropriate business entity.
Office Location: Choose a location within a tech hub or innovation district to enhance visibility.

B. Talent Acquisition:

Hire Local Experts: Recruit professionals familiar with the local market and culture.
Partnerships with Universities: Establish relationships with institutions like Tallinn University of Technology for talent pipelines.

C. Networking and Partnerships:

Industry Associations: Join organizations like the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications.
Government Collaboration: Engage with initiatives like e-Estonia to align with national digital strategies.

D. Marketing and Brand Positioning:

Localized Marketing: Adapt messaging to resonate with local businesses and cultural nuances.
Digital Presence: Optimize online platforms for local search and engagement.

E. Regulatory Compliance:

EU Regulations: Ensure adherence to GDPR and other EU-wide regulations concerning AI and data.
Local Laws: Stay informed about country-specific laws affecting AI deployment and consulting services.

4. Potential Customers and Target Sectors

A. Government and Public Sector:

Digital Government Agencies: Offer AI solutions to enhance public services.
Smart City Initiatives: Collaborate on projects aiming to improve urban infrastructure through AI.

B. Financial Services and Fintech:

Banks and Insurance Companies: Implement AI for fraud detection, risk assessment, and customer service.
Fintech Startups: Provide expertise to scale their AI capabilities.

C. Technology and Startups:

High-Growth Startups: Assist in integrating AI to accelerate growth.
Tech Hubs and Incubators: Partner with facilities like Tehnopol Science Park.

D. Manufacturing and Logistics:

Industrial Firms: Optimize supply chains and production processes with AI.
Logistics Companies: Enhance route planning and inventory management.

E. Healthcare Sector:

Hospitals and Clinics: Implement AI for diagnostics, patient care, and administrative efficiency.
Biotech Firms: Collaborate on AI-driven research and development.

5. Building Brand Cachet as a Thought Leader

A. Host and Sponsor Events:

Conferences: Organize annual AI transformation summits in Tallinn.
Workshops and Webinars: Provide training sessions on AI trends and applications.

B. Publish Authoritative Content:

White Papers: Release research on AI adoption in the Baltics.
Case Studies: Highlight successful projects and their impact.

C. Academic Collaborations:

Research Partnerships: Work with universities on cutting-edge AI research.
Guest Lectures: Offer expertise in academic settings to build credibility.

D. Media and Public Relations:

Press Releases: Announce significant milestones and partnerships.
Thought Leadership Articles: Contribute to local and international publications.

E. Community Engagement:

Hackathons and Competitions: Sponsor events to foster innovation.
Mentorship Programs: Support local entrepreneurs and startups.

6. Additional Considerations

A. Cultural Adaptation:

Language and Communication: While English is widely spoken, investing in local language capabilities can enhance relationships.
Business Etiquette: Understanding local customs can improve negotiations and partnerships.

B. Long-Term Growth Strategy:

Scalability: Plan for potential expansion into neighboring markets like Finland, Russia, or Poland.
Innovation Hubs: Consider establishing R&D centers to drive innovation.

C. Risk Management:

Economic Factors: Monitor economic indicators that could impact the market.
Political Climate: Stay informed about any political changes that could affect business operations.

D. Legal and Tax Implications:

Incentives: Explore tax incentives or grants for foreign investors in technology.
Intellectual Property: Ensure protection of proprietary technologies and methodologies.

E. Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility:

Environmental Impact: Adopt sustainable practices to align with European environmental standards.
Social Responsibility: Engage in community development initiatives.


Expanding into the Baltics, with a focus on Estonia, offers strategic advantages due to its advanced digital infrastructure, innovative environment, and cost-effective operations. A carefully crafted market entry strategy that includes local partnerships, targeted customer engagement, and thought leadership will position your company as a leader in AI business transformation in the region.

By also considering additional factors such as cultural adaptation, long-term growth, and corporate responsibility, the expansion plan becomes comprehensive and robust, setting the stage for sustainable success in the European market.

Kā redzams, tad ChatGPT no Baltijas valstīm kā piemērotāko vietu MI uzņēmuma paplašināšanai uzskata Igauniju. Šī atbilde man nebija pārsteigums un šo vajadzētu ņemt vērā Latvijas politikas plānotājiem.

